Quote from Silent on April 2, 2024, 6:00 amI installed the php files that comes with the heartbeat dll files in the php map on a server. I had my own squad site with integrated neos chronos so that was no problem. I configured the api client and uploaded it to my server. The site is online but http://dfbhdlobby.great-site.net/PHPScript/status.php . debug mode says : Invalid Method . The settings in the api client are:
# Want more info on what this does? Visit Novahq.net
# DLL Heartbeat written by Scott @ <Novahq.net>
# Use this to override the port you REPORT to the lobby.
# If you are behind a NAT router this might be necessary
# This does not modify the game port, check the games
# config for info on how to do that. Most of the time
# there is no need to change this.
Port = 0########################################################
# Force Lobby AppID (NovaCK) to Zero?
# This is almost always desired for alternate lobbies
# Setting this to 1 will force a ZERO AppID
AppId = 1########################################################
# Enter the current NW IP Address
# Enter 1 in NWFix to set this new IP when hosting
# Default (dfbhd) nw10.novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 CC)
NWFix = 1
# NL Uses this address to verify your host session
# It also sends your games port info with it
# You can use a URL or IP address here BUT DO NOT PREFIX WITH http://!
# The URL should only be a basic host address such as nw.novahq.net
# Default (dfbhd) novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 C9)
# ATTN!: To start a BHD server when NovaWorld is down
# requires the use of NWLobbyAuth app from Novahq.net
# A fix for this DllHeartbeat is hopefully coming soon
NW2Fix = 1
# This DLL reports lobby info to nw.novahq.net and novaworld.cc
# Add an additional url to send a copy to your own lobby
# Example: http://yourwebsite.com/import.php
# Inquire at Novahq.net for info on how to accept this information
AltLobby = http://www.dfbhdlobby.great-site.net/import.php########################################################
# Enter a lobby update secret password below
# Otherwise anyone will be able to submit lobby updates
AltLobbyKey = password configured in on original##################################################
# If you server runs a mod, enter the name here
Mod =
Can somebody help me?Have no acces to novahq.net.
I installed the php files that comes with the heartbeat dll files in the php map on a server. I had my own squad site with integrated neos chronos so that was no problem. I configured the api client and uploaded it to my server. The site is online but http://dfbhdlobby.great-site.net/PHPScript/status.php . debug mode says : Invalid Method . The settings in the api client are:
# Want more info on what this does? Visit Novahq.net
# DLL Heartbeat written by Scott @ <Novahq.net>
# Use this to override the port you REPORT to the lobby.
# If you are behind a NAT router this might be necessary
# This does not modify the game port, check the games
# config for info on how to do that. Most of the time
# there is no need to change this.
Port = 0
# Force Lobby AppID (NovaCK) to Zero?
# This is almost always desired for alternate lobbies
# Setting this to 1 will force a ZERO AppID
AppId = 1
# Enter the current NW IP Address
# Enter 1 in NWFix to set this new IP when hosting
# Default (dfbhd) nw10.novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 CC)
NWFix = 1
# NL Uses this address to verify your host session
# It also sends your games port info with it
# You can use a URL or IP address here BUT DO NOT PREFIX WITH http://!
# The URL should only be a basic host address such as nw.novahq.net
# Default (dfbhd) novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 C9)
# ATTN!: To start a BHD server when NovaWorld is down
# requires the use of NWLobbyAuth app from Novahq.net
# A fix for this DllHeartbeat is hopefully coming soon
NW2Fix = 1
# This DLL reports lobby info to nw.novahq.net and novaworld.cc
# Add an additional url to send a copy to your own lobby
# Example: http://yourwebsite.com/import.php
# Inquire at Novahq.net for info on how to accept this information
AltLobby = http://www.dfbhdlobby.great-site.net/import.php
# Enter a lobby update secret password below
# Otherwise anyone will be able to submit lobby updates
AltLobbyKey = password configured in on original
# If you server runs a mod, enter the name here
Mod =
Can somebody help me?Have no acces to novahq.net.
Quote from Blade on April 2, 2024, 9:51 amHere is copy of ours.
We host from home server, TAZ tried to host from Hosting company and it didn't work for him either. Think something in Database area didn't show for it to work correctly. Prob best asking Scott from DFHQ.net as he made it.[NHQHEARTBEATDLL]
# Want more info on what this does? Visit Novahq.net
# DLL Heartbeat written by Scott @ <Novahq.net>
# Use this to override the port you REPORT to the lobby.
# If you are behind a NAT router this might be necessary
# This does not modify the game port, check the games
# config for info on how to do that. Most of the time
# there is no need to change this.
Port = 17485########################################################
# Force Lobby AppID (NovaCK) to Zero?
# This is almost always desired for alternate lobbies
# Setting this to 1 will force a ZERO AppID
AppId = 0########################################################
# Enter the current NW IP Address
# Enter 1 in NWFix to set this new IP when hosting
# Default (dfbhd) nw10.novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 CC)
NWFix = 0
NWIP =########################################################
# NL Uses this address to verify your host session
# It also sends your games port info with it
# You can use a URL or IP address here BUT DO NOT PREFIX WITH http://!
# The URL should only be a basic host address such as nw.novahq.net
# Default (dfbhd) novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 C9)
# ATTN!: To start a BHD server when NovaWorld is down
# requires the use of NWLobbyAuth app from Novahq.net
# A fix for this DllHeartbeat is hopefully coming soon
NW2Fix = 0
NW2IP =########################################################
# This DLL reports lobby info to nw.novahq.net and novaworld.cc
# Add an additional url to send a copy to your own lobby
# Example: http://yourwebsite.com/import.php
# Inquire at Novahq.net for info on how to accept this information
AltLobby = https://tiocoop.com/PHPScript/import.php########################################################
# Enter a lobby update secret password below
# Otherwise anyone will be able to submit lobby updates
AltLobbyKey = [secret]########################################################
# If you server runs a mod, enter the name here
Mod = TIOCoop
Here is copy of ours.
We host from home server, TAZ tried to host from Hosting company and it didn't work for him either. Think something in Database area didn't show for it to work correctly. Prob best asking Scott from DFHQ.net as he made it.
# Want more info on what this does? Visit Novahq.net
# DLL Heartbeat written by Scott @ <Novahq.net>
# Use this to override the port you REPORT to the lobby.
# If you are behind a NAT router this might be necessary
# This does not modify the game port, check the games
# config for info on how to do that. Most of the time
# there is no need to change this.
Port = 17485
# Force Lobby AppID (NovaCK) to Zero?
# This is almost always desired for alternate lobbies
# Setting this to 1 will force a ZERO AppID
AppId = 0
# Enter the current NW IP Address
# Enter 1 in NWFix to set this new IP when hosting
# Default (dfbhd) nw10.novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 CC)
NWFix = 0
# NL Uses this address to verify your host session
# It also sends your games port info with it
# You can use a URL or IP address here BUT DO NOT PREFIX WITH http://!
# The URL should only be a basic host address such as nw.novahq.net
# Default (dfbhd) novaworld.net (Bytes: CF B2 D1 C9)
# ATTN!: To start a BHD server when NovaWorld is down
# requires the use of NWLobbyAuth app from Novahq.net
# A fix for this DllHeartbeat is hopefully coming soon
NW2Fix = 0
# This DLL reports lobby info to nw.novahq.net and novaworld.cc
# Add an additional url to send a copy to your own lobby
# Example: http://yourwebsite.com/import.php
# Inquire at Novahq.net for info on how to accept this information
AltLobby = https://tiocoop.com/PHPScript/import.php
# Enter a lobby update secret password below
# Otherwise anyone will be able to submit lobby updates
AltLobbyKey = [secret]
# If you server runs a mod, enter the name here
Mod = TIOCoop
Quote from Silent on April 2, 2024, 9:23 pmI tried this with no effect with 2 separate hosting providers for free of course.https://deltaforcelobby1.000webhostapp.com/status.php (and everything else)can you pm his email adress? I dont have acces to the site and forum and I dont know if the name on top of this form is his email adress. I contacted him on the site with email form. I dont know if its still working.
I tried this with no effect with 2 separate hosting providers for free of course.https://deltaforcelobby1.000webhostapp.com/status.php (and everything else)can you pm his email adress? I dont have acces to the site and forum and I dont know if the name on top of this form is his email adress. I contacted him on the site with email form. I dont know if its still working.
Quote from Silent on April 3, 2024, 5:43 pmYou got me there. Totally forgot about it. Most providers run 7.4 and upgrading to 8 and higher. Thanks for pointing out lol (bangs his head against the wall)
You got me there. Totally forgot about it. Most providers run 7.4 and upgrading to 8 and higher. Thanks for pointing out lol (bangs his head against the wall)
Quote from Silent on April 16, 2024, 9:55 pmOk, I installed a home server just to test what was going on. To my surprise i did work. Now I Installes everything on a new server. Had the same problem again. Even the logfiles didn't work. Now I got a connection to the logfiles (changed some stuff in the directories) And now I got this in the logfile:
2024/04/16 13:40:30 Heartbeat 1.0.1 Log:
[Encoding] => Windows-1252
[PKey] => eYkJaPPR-3WNbgPN93,(ZwxBCnEW
[PVer] => 1.0.9
[SKey] => ee55hh78
[DataType] => 0x100
[GameID] => dfbhd
[Name] => Silent-TIO92
[Port] => 17479
[CK] => 0
[Country] => EU
[Type] => Dedicated
[GameType] => COOP
[CurrentPlayers] => 1
[MaxPlayers] => 25
[MissionName] => artic-warefare-remake
[MissionFile] => Artic-Warfare-remake.bms
[TimeRemaining] => -1
[Password] =>
[Message] =>
[Mod] => TIOcoop92
[PlayerList] => eyIwIjogeyJOYW1lIjoiSG9zdCIsIk5hbWVCYXNlNjRFbmNvZGVkIjoiU0c5emRBPT0iLCJLaWxscyI6IjAiLCJEZWF0aHMiOiIwIiwiV2VhcG9uSWQiOiIxIiwiV2VhcG9uVGV4dCI6IktuaWZlIiwiVGVhbUlkIjoiMSIsIlRlYW1UZXh0IjoiTm9uZSIgfX0=
)Invalid IP Address
I had this on my home server too.Changed the directory of the api.ini file to : That worked.(not so strange)
This is what happening on the logfile when apiclientdll.ini is sending hearbeat to /import.php :
errorlog file of the host :[Tue Apr 16 13:53:10.460609 2024] [:error] [pid 1660914] [client 2001:1c05:1d2d:4c00:49ca:3bfa:990:3043:51730] [client 2001:1c05:1d2d:4c00:49ca:3bfa:990:3043] ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "rx ^OPTIONS$" against "REQUEST_METHOD" required. [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_21_protocol_anomalies.conf"] [line "41"] [id "960015"] [msg "Request Missing an Accept Header"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "PROTOCOL_VIOLATION/MISSING_HEADER"] [hostname "dfbhd-lobby.nl"] [uri "/import.php"] [unique_id "Zh5mpsrHilJuxeEttN5hgAAAAAw"]
That is the ubuntu webfirewall and i have no acces to it .Lol I won't give up. Iam having fun here. My webhost not so .
Ok, I installed a home server just to test what was going on. To my surprise i did work. Now I Installes everything on a new server. Had the same problem again. Even the logfiles didn't work. Now I got a connection to the logfiles (changed some stuff in the directories) And now I got this in the logfile:
2024/04/16 13:40:30 Heartbeat 1.0.1 Log:
[Encoding] => Windows-1252
[PKey] => eYkJaPPR-3WNbgPN93,(ZwxBCnEW
[PVer] => 1.0.9
[SKey] => ee55hh78
[DataType] => 0x100
[GameID] => dfbhd
[Name] => Silent-TIO92
[Port] => 17479
[CK] => 0
[Country] => EU
[Type] => Dedicated
[GameType] => COOP
[CurrentPlayers] => 1
[MaxPlayers] => 25
[MissionName] => artic-warefare-remake
[MissionFile] => Artic-Warfare-remake.bms
[TimeRemaining] => -1
[Password] =>
[Message] =>
[Mod] => TIOcoop92
[PlayerList] => eyIwIjogeyJOYW1lIjoiSG9zdCIsIk5hbWVCYXNlNjRFbmNvZGVkIjoiU0c5emRBPT0iLCJLaWxscyI6IjAiLCJEZWF0aHMiOiIwIiwiV2VhcG9uSWQiOiIxIiwiV2VhcG9uVGV4dCI6IktuaWZlIiwiVGVhbUlkIjoiMSIsIlRlYW1UZXh0IjoiTm9uZSIgfX0=
Invalid IP Address
I had this on my home server too.Changed the directory of the api.ini file to : That worked.(not so strange)
This is what happening on the logfile when apiclientdll.ini is sending hearbeat to /import.php :
errorlog file of the host :[Tue Apr 16 13:53:10.460609 2024] [:error] [pid 1660914] [client 2001:1c05:1d2d:4c00:49ca:3bfa:990:3043:51730] [client 2001:1c05:1d2d:4c00:49ca:3bfa:990:3043] ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "rx ^OPTIONS$" against "REQUEST_METHOD" required. [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_21_protocol_anomalies.conf"] [line "41"] [id "960015"] [msg "Request Missing an Accept Header"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "PROTOCOL_VIOLATION/MISSING_HEADER"] [hostname "dfbhd-lobby.nl"] [uri "/import.php"] [unique_id "Zh5mpsrHilJuxeEttN5hgAAAAAw"]
That is the ubuntu webfirewall and i have no acces to it .
Lol I won't give up. Iam having fun here. My webhost not so .
Quote from Blade on April 16, 2024, 10:02 pmas said contact Scott from NovaHQ.net or there discord channel NovaHQ
He made it and helped me edit it to suit our situation, the images and stuff.Sry im not much help on the problem.
as said contact Scott from NovaHQ.net or there discord channel NovaHQ
He made it and helped me edit it to suit our situation, the images and stuff.
Sry im not much help on the problem.
Quote from Silent on April 18, 2024, 12:35 amIam in contact with him Blade.De webserver hosts on ipv6 and api connects over ipv4. Iam also in contact with the webserver dude. No problem buddy. I got it covered now.
Iam in contact with him Blade.De webserver hosts on ipv6 and api connects over ipv4. Iam also in contact with the webserver dude. No problem buddy. I got it covered now.
Quote from Silent on April 20, 2024, 2:09 amChanged the directories here is the site. still working on it. http://dfbhd-lobby.nl/u/portal
Changed the directories here is the site. still working on it. http://dfbhd-lobby.nl/u/portal