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- File Count 1
- Create Date December 10, 2023
- Last Updated May 4, 2024
Medium to Hard Co-Op Map - 4 to 6 Players
An old, abandoned Klingon Outpost has attracted the attention of Pirates from Tachyon Six. They loot and salvage parts for their Vessels.
Three Un-manned Ships remain on security, while the Mothership and other Vessels are being repaired. There are six Ground Turrets.
The three Un-manned Ships and the six turrets are linked. Destroy the Turrets, you destroy the link disabling the weapons on the security Ships.
There is sensitive Equipment in some buildings, remove the power source at the top of these buildings.
Intent: You will enter from high altitude, giving you a good view of the Outpost. Your Team will advance up the riverbank and engage the enemy.
Destroy Turrets, eliminating your main threat while eradicating hostile inhabitants.
Team Members will remove the power source from top of buildings marked with a Red Designator Tag.
After the enemy has been eliminated, your Team will use their Missile Launcher to destroy the Mothership.
Destroy Six Ground Turrets.
Remove power source at top of buildings marked with a Red Designator Tag.
Eliminate any inhabitants with extreme prejudice.
Destroy the Mothership.
The Klingons erected Healing and Arming Orbs throughout the settlement.